Home Office Organization

Home office
The home office generally has a multiple personality disorder, it’s required to be many different rooms all at the same time. Below are a few ideas that will help keep the room organized.

Categorize and Contain – Grouping similar items and making it easy for them to be stored is essential in most any room but especially a room that serves dual purposes. The Ikea Expedit is a great bookshelf because it really helps in keeping similar items in the same place. I have use it in lots of ways from a bookshelf, to a headboard, or even a desk.

Home office expedit

Make Room – Give yourself some space to work; this could be a desk, dining table, nightstand, or even a filing cabinet. I’ve found if you don’t have a space to work in the same area as your “home office” then most of the papers and documents just end up on a different surface in a room that does have a work space. This is especially true if the “office” area is a guest room closet. I love how Cassie from Hi SugarPlum transformed a corner into what she refers as a Family Drop Spot. Notice the great little shelf that is perfect for filling out forms or signing checks.

{Please pin from original source}

{Please pin from original source}

Keep it Simple – Elaborate filing systems and receipt retention for the last 12 years can derail any organizational process. Think through what you really need to store in the office. The IRS provides a detailed guideline for record retention.

I would love to hear how you’ve set up your home office!

6 thoughts on “Home Office Organization

    1. Organizational Specialist Post author

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