Monthly Archives: July 2013

Organizing, as simple as cake

Rose cake

{Cake made by Kristin}

Some of my clients have a lot of difficulty visualizing how they are going to finish organizing because they feel overwhelmed and defeated.  I say let them eat cake!

Have you ever tried to bake a cake without a recipe?  Maybe those geniuses on Top Chef Continue reading

10 year anniversary!


This month Organizational Specialists is celebrating 10 years of awesome organizing projects and amazing clients!!!  In that time I have come to love this profession and truly enjoy the work I get to do every day. I have saved a cat, found an inheritance check, and while I was organizing a garage, helped sell a house. I even got to be on tv (we won’t mention the unmentionables). And although it is hard to define exactly what I do, it is always an adventure.

To find out more about our services check out how I can help you. We look forward to many more years, cheers!

Rosie the Riveter

Planning for the unexpected

Everyone asks what is the key to successfully organizing a space.

Abraham Lincoln quote planning

Even good old Abe knew that planning was essential to success. However, even a great plan can’t take into account all future unknowns. Flexibility and the openess to change can make all the difference between frustration and contentment.  So how do you plan for the unexpected?

{Keep Systems Simple} When the going gets tough Continue reading


motivational quote

{Photo credit:}

Motivational quotes are everywhere; on facebook, blogs, twitter, etc. I’m always looking for good quotes on planning and preparation but most are not necessarily helpful. This one above is cute but who wants to come up with 26 different plans and then have to execute them? Continue reading

Charles Zimmerling was a genius; the first pinning tool.

birthday party game

{Photo credit: }

This weekend we attended a child’s birthday party and one of the games was pin the tail on the donkey. The object of the game is to get as close to the correct location while being blindfolded and dizzy. I’ve never really gotten the game’s appeal until I realized that it is a genius life lesson. Continue reading