Monthly Archives: April 2013

The Definition of Organization or do you really need more tape

garage organization before

Merriam-Webster defines organization as the act or process of organizing or of being organized. I agree but tend to think that this is a rather simplistic take on what it means to organize.  Therefore I have come up with a definition for organization that I believe encompasses the reason, purpose, and result of organizing: knowing what you have, where you have it, and why. Continue reading

Record Retention, the first step in paper management

records retention

What to keep and what to toss are always a question when organizing, especially when working through papers and documents. Here I discuss the IRS recommendations for record retention and how to implement them in your home. Continue reading


encouragement award

When faced with an any project, whether it’s organizing the office, refinishing furniture, or writing a blog, it’s always nice to receive encouragement. Just hearing someone say, “nice job thus far, keep up the good work”, can make all the difference in whether you finish well or let your efforts wane.

So I want to say thank you to A.J. Goode from A Good One, for awarding this blog the Liebster Award! The German translation for Liebster is dearest and I am inspired and honored by the mention. Her acknowledgement of my efforts encourages me to press on in hopes of producing relevant and inspiring content. Thank you!

Raising the Bar

gym barbells organizing

Ever walk into the gym and just feel overwhelmed, uncertain where to begin? Let me tell you how I came to hire a personal trainer so I would never have that problem again. {I promise to bring it back to organizing just hang with me}.

I had just started going to the gym and only knew how to use certain equipment, therefore I was always focused on completing the very little that I knew in order to feel like I was at least doing something.

One day I became very frustrated because a gentleman, who had a very smelly cast on his leg, was parked at one of the few pieces of equipment that I knew how to use. I must have circled the apparatus at least 5 times waiting for him to move. Continue reading

Jewelry Organization: Simple Solutions for Storing Jewelry

One of my clients had an amazing assortment of jewelry but never wore any of it because it was either too difficult to find the appropriate piece or it had become tangled. Below are some of my simple solutions on how to store jewelry so that it is readily accessible without taking up too much space. Continue reading

The Response

During the coverage of the Boston Marathon Tragedy, a friend posted a quote from Mr. Rogers,

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster’, I remember my mother’s words and am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in the world.” – Mr. Rogers

I tend to find comfort in helping, so here are some resources for those who feel the same.

Donate Blood – American Red Cross

Donate Shoes – Shoes 4 the Shoeless

Donate Time – Homeless Shelter Services

The Home Office: How to make it work for you

I have talked a lot about organizing the home office because I think it is crucial to have a designated space for managing the home and finances.  In Home Office Organization I focused on the basic steps of organizing a home office, whether in a corner of the kitchen or shared space.

Home office

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Basement Organization

I love organizing basements!  When organized with a purpose, it can offer such a huge impact on the home, utilizing all available space and helping increase the value of your home.

{Photo credit:}

{Basement Family Area, Photo credit:}

The picture above is the perfect example Continue reading

National Shred Day 2013

shredded paperI think the day after April 15th should become a National Holiday, National Shred Day. There would be carnivals with events including prizes for the fastest shredder, parades filled with confetti, and even an all you can eat buffett of paper (that would be inspired by my 16 month old who seems to enjoy some paper every now and again.) Although that is probably not going to happen almost every major city hosts its own free shred day.

A lot of cities will host free shred day as a community event. Some will allow a certain number of boxes/bags to be shred per household so please check before taking a large number to the event. Others might require pre registration. But this type of event is a great way to get rid of those sensitive documents that you no longer need.

Below is a list of some of the events being held in major cities. Continue reading

Organized Organization: A project syllabus to keep you on track

One of the reasons I loved college, was on the first day of class every professor would hand out a syllabus.  A nice organized page which contained a brief description of the class, the professors information including office hours, materials needed, and assignment descriptions with deadlines.  The entire class, all on one page. Who doesn’t love that type of organization!?

Project syllabus blank Continue reading